Meet & Greet Candidate Bowen Kou – Gotha

Yellow Dog Eats 1236 Hempel Ave, Gotha, FL, United States

Join Team Bowen  at the Yellow Dog Eats in Gotha.  This is the chance to learn more about Bowen's platform even if you know him. He is not afraid to answer your questions.  Let's show this Lake County Republican our support!            

Meet and Greet – Gavin Rollins

JB Boondock's Bar and Grill Howey in the Hills 704 S. Lakeshore Drive, Howey in the Hills, FL, United States

Come meet Gavin Rollins, running for Lake County School Board, to ask your questions as to where he stands on the issues, how he will lead, and his vision for Lake County. JB Boondock's Bar & Grill Wednesday, July 24th 5:30-7:30 PM                      

Monthly FRA Meeting – July 25th

Salsa Restaurant 2270 Vindale Road, Tavares, FL, United States

Join conservatives at the monthly Lake County FRA (Florida Republican Assembly) meeting on July 25th!   See flyer for details. Igo Barbosa is a 21 yr old who loves America and the constitution.  He has been active in Politics since 2020, when he campaigned for President Trump.  He is currently the Junior Advisor for the Florida...

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LCREC Lincoln Reagan Dinner Fundraiser 2024

The Venetian Center 1 Dozier Court, Leesburg, FL, United States

Save the date for this important event.   The Lake County Republican Party welcomes all Lake County Republicans to our biggest fundraiser of the year. The Keynote Speaker will be Senator Rick Scott. The Venetian Center 1 Dozier Ct Leesburg, FL 34748  

Meet & Greet Candidate Bowen Kou – Clermont

The River Church - Clermont 796 Hooks St, Clermont, FL, United States

Join Team Bowen  at the River Church in Clermont.  This is the chance to learn more about Bowen's platform even if you know him. He is not afraid to answer your questions.  Let's show this Lake County Republican our support!            

SLRC Monthly Meeting August – Cancelled

The River Church - Clermont 796 Hooks St, Clermont, FL, United States

Due to the tropical cyclone conditions that are hitting our area Sunday and Monday, we are cancelling this month's meeting. By now you should have received your SAMPLE BALLOT, review it and prepare to VOTE.  We MUST vote in our conservative republicans to face-off with the Democrats in Nov. Remember Early Voting starts Thursday, August...

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SLRC Monthly Meeting Sept – Date Changed

The River Church - Clermont 796 Hooks St, Clermont, FL, United States

Read this carefully.  Our monthly meeting for September will be on September 9th  the SECOND Monday instead of the FIRST Monday.  This is due to Labor Day being on the first Monday We will have John Labriola from the Christian Family Coalition as our guest speaker.  He will explain in detail Amendment 4 including the...

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Never Forget 911 – Remembrance Ceremony

Lake County Historic Courthouse 317 West Main Street, Tavares, FL, United States

We will never forget to come together to pray for families who lost a loved one.  Please join us.  See details in attached flyer or at the website's events.

South Lake Trump Car Parade

Citrus Tower 141 North Hwy 27, Clermont, FL, United States

CAR PARADE: All Republicans even candidates and their signage welcome. Come with decorated vehicle/tape/limited flags available. Sept 21, Sat- South Lake-Location-Citrus Tower north side. Time: 10:00 assembly. Completion: 1:00.  

SLRC Monthly Meeting October

The River Church - Clermont 796 Hooks St, Clermont, FL, United States

This will be our meeting to help inform you, the voter, on everything you will need to know to help you vote your conscience. This will also be your opportunity to hear from the candidates that made it to the general election and for you to ask questions to help you decide who you want...

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Early Voting from Oct 21 through Nov 2

There are 12 Early Voting Polling Locations in Lake County and a registered voter can vote in any of these 12 during Early Voting from 10/21 thru and including 11/2. Early voting locations can be found at this link by clicking on it Early Voting Locations Times: 10am until 6pm at all of the locations  

Monthly FRA Meeting – Oct 24th

Salsa Restaurant 2270 Vindale Road, Tavares, FL, United States

Join conservatives at the monthly Lake County FRA (Florida Republican Assembly) meeting on Oct 24th!   See flyer for details. Beckie is a very capable and tireless solder in our struggle to restore our republic; without accountable elections this is impossible. We’ll all have something to learn which will better equip us in demanding election integrity.