Care about Gun Rights? Check this out!

If you are not aware of GunWriter, Lee Williams, he just published this article (link below) exposing NEO Philanthropy and applauds a new tool  Here is part of his article:

“Have you ever heard of NEO Philanthropy? They’re a left-wing group that has been around for more than 40 years. NEO wants folks to believe it is a partnership between “changemakers and funders.” They claim to provide “resources to groups accelerating change.” Race, gender and DEI are huge for them, but guns are a problem.

An incredible website database has outed NEO Philanthropy’s actual duties, and those of thousands of other similar groups. NEO, it turns out, is nothing more than a middleman. It receives money and funnels some of it to Everytown for Gun Safety as well as other leftwing, anti-gun groups.

The website database is called, and it will forever change the way nonprofits handle their funding, especially those on the left.”

Link to full article GunWriter Article

Sheriff Grady Judd Speaks Out

In case you missed it, this local news interview of Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County is simple and factual regarding why illegals with “warrants to be deported” are still here. ICE is not reporting them to the National Crime Information Center that local authorities have access to.

Get your pen out and start writing your legislature, governors, and even the President that ICE needs to be reformed also!

Sheriff Grady Judd on Immigration


Disney Reversal of DEI in movies

Even Disney is dropping some DEI.  Maybe they will get back to entertainment and out of politics! Like Bud-Light they need passholders to come back.

Matt Gaetz and Lake County Commission, Anthony Sabatini, sit down on the Matt Gaetz Show to discuss the Walt Disney Corporation’s reversal of DEI policies and WOKE messaging in movies.

We helped Donald Trump win the presidency by MILLIONS of votes. As major corporations adjust policies on WOKENESS, it is apparent that the majority of the country does not want wokeness forced on them and their children.

Matt Gaetz discusses Disney DEI

New RPOF Party Loyalty Oath

The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) issued a new form for the Party Loyalty Oath, which is attached. You need to fill it out, sign it, and scan or take a photo and email it back to Tom Vail at as soon as you can.  Bring the original to the next LCREC meeting on February 17th.

NOTE: The witness on the form can be anybody 18 and over.

Click on the link below to bring up the new form.

NEW – Party Loyalty Oath 2025-01-11


Lake County REC Meeting finally set!

Not every REC member received the email that came out with the meeting announcement for the FIRST 2025 meeting.  Posting here in case you missed it.  If you are not a member and wish to join, please come with your paperwork to join!

Click on picture below to enlarge and read notice!

Our February SLRC Meeting

ICYMI we reviewed the two immigration bills here in Florida: Secure Florida Act (Governor Desantis) and the TRUMP Act (the bill filed and passed by the Florida Legislature).  We took a straw poll at our meeting and the Secure Florida Act won unanimously as the stronger bill after all the comparisons were done.

Here are some highlights of the bills:

  1.  Alignment with Executive Orders: TRUMP Act to the public IMPLIES and gives the PERCEPTION that it is approved by TRUMP.  However, it is just an ACRONYM that stands for Tackling and Reforming Unlawful Migrant Policy.  Hence “bait and switch”. Yet, this TRUMP Act does not really address the primary goal of President Trump – deportation. Instead, it increases bureaucracy by creating additional law enforcement under the Dept of Agriculture, including creating more fiscal expenditures! Under our state constitution, State Security of our borders lies with the Governor not the Secretary of Agriculture. Perception is a power grab by the legislature to control the governor’s powers. On the other hand, the primary goal of the Secure Florida Bill is deportation not creating additional bureaucracy!
  2. Endorsement from Law Enforcement: In our research, we have not been able to find an endorsement by the Florida Sheriffs Association. IF they read the bill, it does not give the Sheriff any right to work with the Federal agencies to handle deportation activities UNTIL the Secretary of Agriculture APPROVES it. On the other hand, under the Secure Florida bill, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement requires mandatory cooperation with the Federal Immigration Enforcement Agencies and includes transporting to Federal Agencies! No added approval required once this is LAW!
  3. Upholding Constitutional and Biblical Principles: In the TRUMP Act pamphlet being distributed by legislature, the first bullet point is “automatic death penalty”. Yet, this is UNCONSTITUTIONAL in the state of Florida! Also, murder is frowned upon in the bible. So, seems like we are NOT upholding the constitutional and biblical principles with this bill.

To fix this bill, the following needs to be done by the legislature:

  • Let’s rename the bill so as not to prey on the average Florida citizen with “bait and switch”. BE HONEST with us!
  • Leave the illegal immigration under the Governor NOT the Secretary of Agriculture (what will we do when Florida has a Democrat Secretary of Agriculture like we did with Nikki Freed?).
  • Drop the extra bureaucracy and expenditures in the millions targeted for the TRUMP ACT to funnel instead to law enforcement, homelessness, and veterans in our state.

Contact your FL House Representative and Senator to make your opinions known!

Contact your Legislators NOW for Open Carry!

We said we wanted to make a difference.  We were out in force to elect Donald Trump.  Now we need to take our county and state back!

Let’s make certain that our Legislators know how we feel about Open Carry.  Go to this link Open Carry Petition and sign your name.  You do not need to contribute but if you can, they will be appreciated.