Hand Counting Sheet Video

Here is another video demonstrating hand counting of ballots.  This shows how easy it can be to process ballots. Click the link Hand Counting Simplified

Go to the section Hand Counting Simplified and click either “Always for Rumble.com” or “Only this media” to view the demonstration.  You can also print out tally sheets if you so choose.

Spread the word!


RLC – Hand Counting Ballots Video

Republican Liberty Caucus – Lake/Sumter chapter has created a 3 minute video to share with everyone about hand counting ballots at the precinct level. PLEASE watch it, share it with friends, and legislators to bring awareness on how to eliminate the voting tabulators that can be compromised.

To learn more about this video contact:
Andy Dubois | 352-933-6353 | andy@libertycitizen.com

Hand Counting Ballots Video

Protect the Vote in Florida – Sign up NOW

Secure elections are the cornerstone of American democracy. Your help is critical to ensure the election is fair and honest.

Republican Poll Watchers and Workers are needed in Florida for Election Integrity Operations during the 2024 election season.

Poll Watchers observe and report potential issues which may arise at polling locations and ballot tabulation centers. Poll Workers play an official role in administering the election at the precinct level.

Now is your chance to help America vote with confidence and do your part for election integrity. Training will be provided.

Please click link below to sign up and you will be contacted as we get closer to the election you signed up for.

Sign up here to be a Poll Watcher or Worker

2024 Happy New Year

From all of us at South Lake Republican Club and the Teenage Republicans of South Lake, HAPPY NEW YEAR! We look forward to seeing all of you at our Jan 8th meeting as we brainstorm how to best utilize each and every one of you to help grow our number of volunteers. In order to keep our county red and to win our country back, it will take a true grass roots effort that includes each of us. The same 5 to 10 people will not be able to cover all of our county.

Bring a friend, relative, or co-worker who has the same values we do.

Happy New Year 2024

Your New Year Resolution

2024 is almost here and we need to hit the ground running in 2024 to make certain we get out the vote for conservative candidates! This meeting will be devoted to getting volunteers to help with getting the word out for not only the Presidential Primary in March but also for the August Primary for local and state candidates.

We need people to help plan our February Freedom Fest (right here at River Church), do social media, help with voter registration or be a poll watcher for upcoming elections!

Please come and shape the future of South Lake.

Florida Republican Assembly News

Tallahassee – FRA has uncovered that the Florida Secretary of State, Division of Elections, has NOT been in compliance with both federal and state laws. They have violated Florida Statute 101.015 section 7 for NOT keeping our voting system certification standards up to date. The statute clearly states that the Division of Elections SHALL review, update, and ensure that new technologies are appropriately certified for ALL elections in a timely manner. Grotesquely, they are using outdated 19-year-old standards and protocols dated 2005 to certify elections; which leaves our elections unprotected and vulnerable to cyber weapon attacks.

Read more on their site at this link FRA calls for Secretary of State resignation

Stop Playing Defense

Our own Chuck Benoit shared this with the SLRC Board. We agreed to post it for all to see.

“Rush Limbaugh became so popular, not because he showed us a way to go, but because he validated what we already believed. That is what Lance Wallnau has been doing for me for years. He notes “Micro Church” a couple of times in this 20 minute presentation. It is a concept I believe is next for me and possibly for us? The battle is with principalities and powers in dark places. President Trump brought them to light. It is our responsibility to dispense with them. I would be interested in talking with anyone about what that would mean.

Click this link Stop Playing Defense

Lake County Republican Party Passed Platform

If you were not at the November REC meeting and missed the post on the websites, please take the time to review the newly passed platform.

The purpose of the platform is to be our guiding document of our values.  It will be updated as needed based on current conditions of our county and state by the LCREC membership.

The Preamble reads: “Affirming our belief in God, we still hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Throughout the world, people dare to dream of freedom and opportunity. The Lake County Republican Party of Florida unequivocally defends that dream. We strive to preserve the freedom given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. We recognize that human nature
is immutable. We further recognize that the traditional family is the strength of our nation. It is our solemn duty to protect innocent life and develop responsible citizens. We understand that our economic success depends upon free market principles. If we fail to maintain our sovereignty, we risk losing the freedom to live these ideals.”

Click the link here to read the document on the LCREC website – Lake County Republican Platform

RLCFL Bill Tracker for Florida Legislative Session

Legislative Session starts in Tallahassee soon.  The RLCFL already has reviewed the bills identifying which ones support a conservative position.  The local RLC -Lake/Sumter January meeting will go into detail on each of the bills.  Save the Date now for January 11th meeting!

Here is a link to the 2024 Bill Tracker.  Just click and it will open a new tab.  Once on the site, you can click on the Bill Number which will take you to the full text of the bill.

Please also subscribe to the RLCFL updates so you will be notified as a bill progresses.  You will receive updates on when and who to call or email to express your position on the bill.  THIS REALLY HELPS GET YOUR VOICE HEARD!

Click on Tab labelled SUBSCRIBE (circled in green) to get the page to enter you email address for updates!