Are you ready to support the Conservative MAGA movement?

If you have been watching all of the RNC or just seeing the highlights, you have to have HOPE for our country.  HOWEVER, it is still up to us to take action LOCALLY.

We CAN make a difference in our communities.  How you ask? Just get involved! Support a local candidate by putting a sign in your yard, join for flag waving to show support for local and national candidates, participate in a boat parade, post on your social media who you support.

If you have questions about a candidate and their issues, go to a meet and greet, there is no shortage of them happening! Check our EVENTS page.  Upcoming Events  Come to our Monthly Meetings to shake their hands or have an open house in your home or place of business.

Remember – As Amber Rose said at the RNC, “DO YOUR RESEARCH” even on local candidates!