LCREC First Meeting of 2025

Just a few factual highlights of the meeting, since not all are getting the emails from the LCREC.  Hopefully, with the form signed and filled out last night, this will be updated and corrected for future meetings.

  1. New members who filled out their paperwork were not voted in last night.  Per LCREC Chairman, new members must first fill out their paperwork and turn it in at a meeting, then they will be voted in at the next LCREC meeting.
  2. It was announced that we will not have a meeting in March.  Next meeting will be in April, but a date and location have not yet been determined.
  3. Ken McCard reminded everyone that George Fest is this weekend at Ferran Park in Eustis.  Please come help with Voter Registration and march in the parade.
  4. We did not vote to approve the budget as there was some input from the floor.  The LCREC Executive Board will meet to consider some changes and approve then it will be presented at the full LCREC at the April meeting for a vote.
  5. The Committees were identified and adopted.
    • Budget –
    • Election Integrity –
    • Finance and Audit –
    • Fundraising –
    • Membership –
    • Candidates –
    • Events, Branding, & LR Dinner – with these subcommittees:
      • HQ management
      • LR Dinner
      • Voter Registration
      • NOTE: When questioned about a Bylaws Committee, the answer was NO there will be no Bylaws Committee. There was no mention of a Policy Committee or Technology Committee.