January 6th Call-To-Action by an SLRC member

This message is from one of our SLRC members who sent it to be posted.  Please consider taking action so our many voices are heard!

With the release of ALL 44,000 Hours of Footage from January 6th,  it is VERY clear the insurrection narrative that was disseminated by Democrat leadership and liberal media was a BIG LIE.  The respect and homage our Americans exhibited while walking through our capital was praiseworthy.  Were there a few bad actors?  Absolutely, and those should be reprimanded and charged accordingly.  That includes federal institutional agents who were there trying to incite an insurrection.

 Now Is “The Time for All Good Men & Women to Come to The Aid of Their Country”.  Moses went before the Egyptian Pharaoh and demanded the release of Israelites.  We need to follow in Moses’ example and demand our fellow Americans be released for the holidays.  


Stay in prayer as well as CALL, EMAIL, and TWEET your U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator, and Governor DeSantis and demand they put pressure on President Biden to release our fellow Americans.  Also, let Biden know he needs to do what is right and live up to his oath as well. Remind them ALL they took an oath to defend as well as uphold our U.S. Constitution, which clearly states ALL American citizens have the RIGHT to a speedy trial per the 6th amendment.  Demand they prosecute or let our fellow Americans go free for the holidays!

 White House Occupier Biden: Email: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Leave Comments Here:  202-456-1111 or 202-456-6213

Twitter: @WhiteHouse@POTUS, or @JoeBiden

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